Main Cities of La Pampa


Chacharramendi - Historic Road House: In the past, general stores and country cheap restaurants showed the progress of the pampean region. Modernity made them disappear and they become exotic memories of the gaucho literature.
However, the “Pulpería de Chacharramendi” is still latent and alive before the eyes and hart of pampean people. This grocery store is also known as “Boliche de Feito” or “El Viejo Almacén”. Fully recycled, and recovered to its original condition, as it was and run one century ago, the pulpería has still its railings, books, loopholes and lockings to prevent bandoleer’s attacks. To know the “Pulpería de Chacharramendi” is to go back in time, a rough and heroic time: the time of the pioneer La Pampa.
Information: tel (02952) 49-1004. Services: gas station, hotel, restaurant and sanitary center.


General Acha

Utracán Lagoon

If you travel to or come from the area of the southern lakes, you will cross the "Valle Argentino" zone on National Route 152, next to the city of "General Acha". By crossing the pampean desert, your will pass by a little town called "Chacharramendi" where National Route 143 and provincial route 20 meet.

General Acha Service Center: The ancient and historic pampean city, first capital of the territory, provide the traveler with all kind of services. Apart from the shops located on the way, it is also exiting to walk through the city, which climbs the valley slope.

Manuel J. Campos Park: From the top of the thatch, the traveler will have the same magnificent sight that one century and a half ago made the great Calfucurá settle down nearby. The park is located on National Route 152 and the visit constitutes a great opportunity to see provincial memories from the past and enjoy a huge camping and a recreation area.

Utracán Lagoon: Whoever stops at "General Acha" can have access to a beautiful place: the Utracán Lagoon. Located in the homonymous valley, this typical pampean lagoon is a beach resort suitable for nautical sports. It is one of the centers of provincial mini tourism and has all the necessary facilities for recreation. By travelling just 10km, from General Acha, you can reach the lagoon through a paved way that crosses a particular marshy area.

Estancia «A Puro Campo» Ruta 152 km 40 - tel: 43-2426 - e-mail:
Estancia «Santo Domingo» a 19 km de G.Acha
Ecop ** España Ruta 152 - tel: 43-2607
Novo ** Ruta 152 km 29 - tel: 43-2458
Los Molles * Ruta 152 km 26,5
Anay Ruca * Balcarce 897, tel: 43-2831
Poyen Ruca, Ruta 152 km 28
Traful, Balcarce 53 - tel: 43-2761
La Candela, Balcarce 632, tel: 43-2568

El Portal del Sur, Ruta 152 km 29, tel: 43-6501
El Hostal, Parque Campos
El Cazador, Acceso a Gral. Acha, tel: 43-2687
El Parador - Ruta 152 Km 28,5

Hot Line DDN (02952)
Hospital: 43-2083 - Policía: 43-2087/2112
Bomberos: 100 - Municipalidad: 43-2109/2115
- Gend. Nacional: 43-2014 - Taxis: 43-2157/2461/2236

IV MEETING: The Argentine provinces members of the bioceanic corridor through the international pass “El Pehuenche”, together with the locations of the VII Chilean Region have held meetings on different occasions for the integration of both countries.
The “IV Encuentro Paso Internacional El Pehuenche” (IV Meeting El Pehuenche International Pass) took place in General Acha -the very first time in La Pampa Province- on May 19 and 20, 2000. Participants members were: Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. Argentina was represented by the following provinces: Mendoza, San Luis, Santa Fe, Entre Ríos, Buenos Aires, and La Pampa.
The opening was presided over by the mayor of General Acha, Omar Ávila, who expressed his pride to have in that location such important figures representing the official and the private sector. The speakers were: the Undersecretary of Planning, architect Graciela Oporto de Follonier and the Undersecretary of Public Works and Utilities, engineer Raúl Rodríguez, on behalf of La Pampa’s Government; the Provincial Director of the Highway Administration of Mendoza, and the Ministry of Economy’s Secretary of the “VII Región del Maule”, Mr. Jorge Navarrete Bustamante.
By the end of the “IV Meeting...”, the Commission for the Bioceanic Integration System of the Pehuenche Pass was formed and Regional Commissions were created. Dr. Héctor Chialva, by the Municipality of General Acha and Daniel Barruti, by the Rural Society of General Acha were appointed as representatives of “La Pampa’s Region.”


Jacinto Arauz and "La Colorada Salt Mine"

This pampean town -which Dr. Favaloro made known all over the world- is located 200 km from Santa Rosa and 130 km from Bahía Blanca, on National Highway Nº 35, and its history is probably exceptional. The geography presents slightly uneven lands and you will find Caldenes (var. of tree), salt lagoons and endless horizons where nature and adventure lovers can really experience Rural Tourism. At the “Salina La Colorada” area, the land is ideal for driving your 4x4 vehicle, as there are sand banks, curves and reverse curves. You can go uphill on the sand or downhill crossing the marshes, winding the dense forest of caldenes, pilliquines or chañares.

Touristic attractions
Salina La Colorada and Salina Callaqueo, are area fields in which you can carry out rural tasks, and there is a pampean forest (plantation of Caldenes) that you can explore on horseback or in a carriage, sulky, Russian flat truck or period cars. You can also visit dairies, milk industries (cheese and caramel spread), the cold cuts plant or the flour mill. Beekeeping, photographic excursions, autochthonous flora and fauna sight, hunting reserves, reconnaissance flights. You can also visit the places related to Dr. René Favaloro’s life: the house in which he lived when he arrived, the house in which he started his work, the house in which he lived most of time, his brother’s house, the clinic, the places he mentions in his books, etc.


The Clinic


X rays machine


The house where he lived


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